U S Politic:Mike Pence just destroyed Trump’s chances of winning over Bernie Sanders voters
Trump's choice of Pence, a
Swiss-cheese Republican who evokes little emotion — positive or negative
— as his running mate was clearly a play to appease an establishment
base still in denial that a brash, anti-trade, anti-neocon,
anti-kiss-the-Koch-Brothers'-ring reality star has taken over their
regular order of pushing money around for the plutocrats.
But Pence, who is governor of Indiana — a state
Trump won handily during the primary, and will likely win in the general
election — offers nothing to the lost-at-sea Sanders voter whose
frustration with the status quo makes them open to Trump. "I was gonna vote for Trump if he picked a more moderate VP," Sanders supporter Shahid wrote on Facebook following the announcement of the Trump-Pence ticket on Saturday. "But now I'm all in for [Jill] Stein," the Green Party candidate for president.
Another user wrote that the possibility of a President Pence, should something happen to Trump, was one step too far.
If Trump "had picked a more moderate person instead of the devil incarnate, he would have been more appealing,"Javiera C wrote. "We all know Trump will probably get impeached in the first year so his VP will be president."
Another Facebook user suggested Trump's pick of an establishment Republican like Pence taints his credentials as an anti-establishment outsider, while yet another vowed that Pence only increased her opposition to Trump.